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by Danny Burke
The following is the journal of my third trek to Philmont. Once again we were lucky and
secured a trek with 2 crews on the new lottery system. As with my previous 2 treks my
son Cody was once again getting to go with me, my nephew Jason, who is an Eagle
Scout in another Troop was also going with us. My nephew had never had the chance
to go to Philmont with his Troop, so I was able to secure a spot in our crew for him.
Crew 714 A2
Danny Burke
Steve Eubanks
Tom Schech
Steve "Yoda" Unger
A.J. Prisco ~ Crew Leader
Cody Burke
Eric Darsey
Austin Eubanks
Jason Herrington
Nathan Nash
John Neidigk
Tony Schech
Our sister crew was also from our Troop
Crew 714 A1
Randal Bagwell
Paul Laird
Paul Wei
Matt Prisco ~ Crew Leader
John Boyd
John Halliday
Cameron Kincaid
Richard Kincaid
John Laird
Tommy Richardson
Michael Wei
July 12th Tuesday ~ Fort Worth to Cimarron
Rolled out of bed at 4:00 this morning, had a good nights sleep. Steve U showed up at
the house about 4:45 and we loaded the truck. Said our goodbyes to Wendy and
Cassie then left for the Scout Hut. Everyone arrived on time so we were loaded in
good time. We found out 1 person did not bring their Scout shirt with them, a quick
dash home for the shirt and we were ready to go. Left the Scout Hut at 5:45, we drove
to the Jolly Truck Stop outside of Wichita Falls once again for breakfast. While at
breakfast we received a phone call from Jason's dad informing us he had left his boots
back in Fort Worth. We checked the trailer and sure enough his boots were not in his
pack where he had put them. Sure hope the overnight UPS works well, the boots are
supposed to be at Philmont tomorrow. We made a couple of gas stops and a lunch
stop in Amarillo at the McDonalds/Subway/Gas Station. Ran through the edge of a big
thunderstorm just outside Springer NM, the temperature dropped from 92* to 66*. We
made Ponil campground about 5:30, we set up camp topside this year instead of down
by the creek due to a problem black bear that has been hanging around the
campground. The troopers played football while we cooked supper. Randal cooked
cheeseburgers, which tasted darn good. One of the campers next to us here at Ponil is
in charge of the Commissaries at Philmont and he is from Texas ~ we might have an
inside on a pound cake for Cameron's birthday while on the trail. The sky cleared off
and was pretty nice except for the mosquitoes, first time we've been bothered by them
here. The troopers went to the pavilion to play cards and dominoes while we sat in
camp and talked and enjoyed the New Mexico evening. I went to my tent about 9:00
after a phone call home and went to bed, for some reason pretty tired this evening.
July 13th Wednesday ~ Layover Ponil Campground
Woke early and decided to go ahead and get up. It was a cool morning with a slight
north breeze, the sunrise was really nice. Watched a couple of deer slip through our
camp and cross the road. When everyone got up we went in to town for breakfast at
Heck's, there were two crews from Abilene Texas in ahead of us, watch out, the
Texans are taking over. Made a mistake at breakfast, let the waitress talk me into
scrambled eggs and hash browns, it would have been okay except it was mostly hash
browns and scrambled egg. Oh well not again, we all went that way except Cody who
ordered blueberry pancakes. We did it to make it easier on the waitress, then got
charged $8.65, next time I order what I want. We rolled out to Philmont tipping our
hats as we passed the St. James Hotel. At Philmont we got a 10:30 tour of the Villa,
we went over to the Trading Post and bought some souvenirs. At the Villa our tour
guide was Kireen from Birmingham, Alabama very good tour, they opened up the
hallway to Elliot & Helen Jane's bedrooms, they've never had that section opened
before. After the tour we went over to the Waite Phillip's museum, then over to the
snack bar for a Klondike bar. At 2:00 we went back to Ponil and sat and talked. Oops
forgot, we also stopped by Administration and picked up Jason's boots. We cooked
steaks on the grill, invited our neighbors Sammy and Genie over for dinner. After dinner Genie who works at the Health Lodge told me if I had all of our physical forms ready she would do our medical checks, very cool this will save us time tomorrow. Everyone passed except Steve E, he had to redo his B/P, his first one was to high. Mine was 130/86 not to bad. I can't wait to see our Rangers face when we tell him we have
already done medical. Genie and Sammy headed for their trailer and we went to the
pavilion as the mosquitos made a full frontal assault. All the boys called home tonight,
while I was talking to Wendy & Cassie a screech owl landed on the power lines near
my tent. Went to bed about 10:00. Philmont tomorrow.
July 14th Thursday ~ Day 1 Base Camp
Got up around 6:30, Steve U was already up and gone for a shower, I wrote in my
journal, trying to catch up some on it. We took it slow this morning breaking camp,
after everything was packed we ate breakfast. After breakfast we headed to Philmont.
Arrived at the Welcome Center about 8:15 and started our check in process. Our
Ranger met us a few minutes later, her name is Adriane Collins she is from Portland,
Oregon. The first time any Troop 50 crew has ever had a female Ranger, should be
interesting. She seems to be really knowledgeable and easy going (Randal has Ranger
envy). She really liked the fact that we had already done our Medical check-in which
made for an easier check-in day. We were assigned tents E-1 thru E-7, Steve U and I
took E-1. Check-in was fast and relatively painless, we were done by lunch which gave
us the rest of the day off. Lunch & Dinner were okay, hanging out at the Advisor's
Lounge & Trading Post eating popcorn & drinking Powerade. It is really hot in Base
Camp and the sun is baking down. Bought a couple of post cards to mail while I'm on
the trail. Went to the Advisor's meeting after supper - there are 4 fires burning on the
ranch in North Country from lightning strikes from the Tuesday night storm we drove
through. After the Advisor's meeting I called home and Cody and I said our farewells to
Wendy and Cassie. We went to Chapel Service, love the view from the protestant
chapel. We went to opening campfire which was pretty good except for the musical
sound (really bad). The campfire was really packed, we were in the very back, the
troopers were leaning and setting on the railing along the fence when we heard a loud
"CRACK" and the upper rail broke, luckily no one was hurt. After campfire we went back
to camp and made final preparations for the trail. Encouraged all the boys to call home
and say goodbyes to mom's. I took a shower this afternoon, it sure felt good
especially with it being so hot. We hit the trail tomorrow.
July 15th Friday ~ Day 2 Zastrow Turnaround to Rayado River
Up at 5:15 this morning, got my pack packed with sleeping bag and pillow. Went to the
trailer and got our food and packed it. Breakfast at 6:30 pretty good - French
(Freedom) toast, ham, hash browns, & fruit. After breakfast checked out of tent city
and went to the Welcome Center. Met a crew from Hawaii that was fixing to leave for
home, they told us they had been caught in a snow shower on Baldy. Unable to weigh
our packs this trek the scale was broken, hoping my pack is lighter sure feels that way,
guess its a good thing I don't really know what it weighs. We had the 8:00 bus and
were the first ones out of camp, took the drive to Zastrow Turnaround for our starting
point. Ginger was our bus driver. We cameled up and started on our merry way. Saw
4 deer right off the trail as we passed by. We breezed through Zastrow camp and on
to Rayado River Camp where we took camp #9. Nice camp next to the Rayado River,
got camp set up and the crew headed back down to Zastrow for program. Steve U
and I stayed in camp and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Broke out my GPS and with
Steve's help entered the waypoints of the different camps along our route. Saw a
rattlesnake along the trail on our way into camp. The troopers returned from Zastrow
where they had done an orienteering course. Both teams finished the course and were
supposed to get donuts, but the Staff was eating lunch and only 1 team got donuts.
We ate lunch and then spent the afternoon around camp. The troopers and our Ranger
went down and waded in the creek by camp, what a beautiful camp site. Had a little
excitement this afternoon somehow, someway we have misplaced our Micro-pur. Not a
good thing, without that we cannot treat our water. We looked everywhere, took down
the bear bags and went through all of them several times, everyone checked and
rechecked their packs, no Micro-pur. Thought maybe the other crew was messing with
us, we decided to retrace our steps from the last time we had seen the Micro-pur and
there it laid beside the creek where it was left by Eric who was going to do water
when he was distracted by a shiny object (Adriane), good thing we found it. The
afternoon thunderstorms were building as we started our supper. We finished supper
and cleanup and started buttoning things up when the rain and hail started. We all went under the dining fly, talk about wet, everyone was wet, as it was raining sideways. We did all we could do to stay dry but it was no use. It rained hard for almost an hour
before it finally stopped. Tony got sick during the storm, as he was heading for the
sump he threw up all over the trail and himself, luckily it was raining so hard it was
easy to clean up, as the rain washed it down the trail. The creek had been just a little
stream before the storm, it was now a rushing river. We laid as much out as we could
to dry it out, the tents didn't leak which is a good thing, but there was sure a lot of
water standing all around camp. The campfire pit was completely filled and
overflowing. Steve U, AJ, Adriane & I walked up to visit the other crew and see how
they weathered the storm. No one was there except Randal, everyone had left and
gone to Abreu without telling him when he went into his tent. A1 has been having some problems, especially with their Ranger. We came back to camp after making sure A1's camp was okay. While we were putting things away after the storm Tom ran into his buddy & son who were out here on day 10. They had come over from Abreu looking
for Tom and Tony. We checked out camp, made sure everything was okay and went
to bed as the rain began to fall again. I have never seen it rain and hail as hard as it did
during that storm earlier, it made the storm in Greenwood Canyon in '01 look like a
little shower.
July 16th Saturday ~ Day 3 Rayado River to Carson Meadows
Up at 5:15 and ready to go at 6:00, good time, but we actually had a problem. For the
first time ever, we had to wait for our Ranger. We rolled out of camp about 6:30, A1
was just getting up when we hiked by. Randal mooned us as we passed by. Up the
trail to Abreu was pretty easy, we crossed the Rayado and entered camp, the staff
was still in bed as it was still early, so we decided to head on up the trail. We climbed
the trail up toward Old Abreu, Steve U and I were about 20 yards behind the crew
when a young buck deer blasted across the road right in front of us. He blew right
through us. Couldn't even think about getting a picture it happened so fast. When we
reached Old Abreu the trail steepened considerably, and we huffed and puffed up it.
(thats what I get for living in the flatlands) We made Carson Meadows in about an hour
so we stopped for breakfast before going up to the cabin. After breakfast we went up
to the staff cabin for our porch talk. This is a new cabin and camp and the view off the
porch is spectacular of the Tooth of Time. After our porch talk we walked back to our
campsite (#2), which was about 1/2 mile back down the trail we had just came up. We
set up camp and proceeded to dry out everything that had gotten soaked in last nights
storm. We kicked back and relaxed and enjoyed the morning, the other crew came in
about 10:00 as we were heading up for program. A1 decided to do the morning
program with us which is Search and Rescue. It was a short course using a deck of
cards scattered over an area approx. 100 yds x 50 yds. pretty interesting except the
staffer was really a jerk so I opted not to do the course. He started his talk on Search
and Rescue with "I'm a lazy backcountry staffer, so I don't like to get to far away from
the comfort of my porch." He lost me right there!!! I think he lost the boys also. When
we finished the course A1 picked up their packs and went down to set up camp. We
went back to camp and ate lunch, at 1:00 both crews went back to the cabin for the
afternoon program of Search and Rescue. I stayed under the fly to catch up on my
journal, Tom and Steve U went up to the cabin to hang out on the porch. Both crews
are searching for Steve E as I write, I can hear them calling out his name as they do a
planned search with different groups of boys in different areas and grids. Its to hot
under the fly I had to move, I am setting in the shade of a ponderosa pine now
watching the clouds build up, hope we don't get another thunderstorm this evening.
Search and Rescue didn't go so well today, the clue to find Steve E (a bag of
Gatorade) that was left on the trail about 300 yds away from him was picked up by a
crew of staffers walking along the trail thinking it was trash. So unfortunately Steve E is
still lost. When the crew got back we started supper (chicken teriyaki) not the best I've
had. After supper we cleaned up as the afternoon t-storms started to roll in. We joined
up with A1 for Thorns and Roses, I wasn't feeling the best but decided to go up for
Advisors coffee. I had hot chocolate and a piece of cake. Haven't seen our Rangers for
the better part of the day, not sure where they went, but then really don't care that
much either. After Advisors coffee we made our way back to camp where we sat in
the meadow and enjoyed the evening, the t-storms stayed on the other side of Fowler
Mesa, so we had a great evening. Bed time came about 9:00.
July 17th Sunday ~ Day 4 Carson Meadows to Fish Camp
Woke up early today as AJ had his clock set an hour earlier, so we got up at 4:45 and
were out of camp at 5:50. The trail out of Carson Meadows was really good with a
few switchbacks and some great views. What a great trail along the Rayado canyon,
we stopped for breakfast at an overlook with the wind blowing pretty hard through an
opening in the rocks that the trail followed. We hiked on past the Crags and took a
packs off break, I have been stopping and starting on the trail all day taking photo after
photo, mostly of flowers, this is by far one of my favorite trails at Philmont. After about
5:30 hours on the trail we made Fish Camp. We checked in and took the cabin tour
then signed up for the 1:00 fly-tying. One of the staffers Emma, was from Austin,
showed us to camp, it was starting to sprinkle as we set up the dining fly and ate a
quick lunch. A1 arrived as we were finishing lunch and going to put things up in the bear bags. We went back down to do fly-tying, Emma was our instructor, it was really neat to do, I have always wanted to try this. As we were at fly-tying the rain really got
heavy with thunder and lightning. We hung on the porch until the storm passed, most of the boys stayed and tied a couple more flies. When the weather cleared Emma
showed us the technique to fly-fishing. All the troopers went and got a fishing license,
went back to camp and tried their hands at fishing along the Agua Fria. Richard was
the only one to catch anything, a couple of small trout, but I think everyone head fun.
On the way back to camp I spotted a Columbine - first one I've seen here - stopped
and took a couple of pictures of it. Back at camp Jason and Nathan fixed supper, (Beef
Stroganhoff.) After supper we did clean up and then the Advisors all went up to the
lodge for Advisors coffee at 7:00. Shared the front porch with a Cavalcade Crew, I
drank a cup of hot chocolate and enjoyed the rocking chair, while I looked out off the
porch and watched the rain falling up the valley, now I know why Waite loved this place
so much. There's no doubt I could spend the rest of my life right here. It was starting
to cool off as we headed back to camp, we did Thorns and Roses then off to bed.
Very tired today and not feeling well, thinking its the altitude, although we are at only
8663'. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.
July 18th Monday ~ Day 5 Fish Camp to Apache Springs
Up at 5:15 and out of camp at 6:00, again good time, the crew is really working well
together. Tom, Steve U and I sang "Billion Dollar Babies" for Randal as we passed A1
who were also breaking camp. We hiked up the Agua Fria, made a few stream
crossings and enjoyed the flowers, taking a few pictures. The hike up the canyon was
pretty and the forest lush almost like the North Fork Urraca creek trail. We stopped for
breakfast along the trail close to where the cattle had been following us, the boys said
it was like we were being stalked by the cows. Breakfast was pretty good, Pop Tarts.
I needed that, have not been eating much this trip but then have not been hungry. We
climbed the switchbacks to Apache Springs and arrived at the Conservation site at the
top of the switchbacks at 8:00 just as the Cons crew was coming down. Our project
for today was trail building. This will be a new trail to bypass the steep switchbacks
that we had just come up. Our part was to rough out the new trail, Montenegro the
cons guy from New Jersey wanted us to use a sledge to bust up a boulder that was in
the new trail. After Cody, AJ, Eric, Tony & I took a couple of turns hitting the boulder
with a sledge -all we did was make little pieces - I decided we needed to move the
rock. Cody went back up the trail and got another rock bar, with 2 rock bars we moved
the boulder out of the mountainside and onto the new trail. Then we (AJ, Cody, Eric,
Nathan, Tony and myself) rolled that big boulder down the mountainside. It went
crashing down through trees, what a sight and what a sound. We moved 3 more big
rocks, while the rest of the crew was working on felling a tree that was in the way.
Jason, John N, Austin & Steve U were all digging around its roots and then cutting the
roots. Steve E and Tom were working the trail between the tree and our rocks digging
out dirt and moving rocks. Steve U called me over to check his pulse, it was racing at
about 170, which is way to high. I told him to set down and take it easy, he told me it
had happened before and the doctors did not seem to know why, there was nothing
they could do about it. He decided to head back up the trail to the packs and take it
easy. We went back to moving rocks, the other group finally cut through all the roots
and the tree finally fell but came to rest on another tree down the mountainside. Jason
and AJ wanted to bring it all the way down but our time was finished and we needed to
get into camp. Our Cons guy told us we were one hard working crew, and had done a
lot more then most crews. I told him Troop 50 loved moving rocks and cutting trees,
thats what we do best. The other crews that were there helping us on the trail said
they wished they could have been down helping us. Everybody loves tearing stuff up.
AJ got his Life signed off and our Cons work was finished for this trek - YES!!! We
decided to eat a quick lunch at our packs then head up to the Staff cabin for check-in.
We quickly headed up the trail to make the cabin before the staffers went to lunch. We
checked in and got our Archery and Sweat Lodge times. We will do them tomorrow on
our layover day - we decided to move our Sweat Lodge time which was supposed to
be this afternoon at 3:00 so a crew passing through could do it. We got our campsite
(#18) and set up, then the troopers went up to the commissary for our food pick up.
They gave us some apples and oranges, man those were good, I can feel the scurvy
leaving my body. Eric and I had a wrestling match, I think it was a draw although I did
put him on his back, it was all in fun anyway. Can't believe I had that energy burst,
after moving boulders all morning, where is the Ibuprofen? The afternoon was mostly
take it easy while the boys played cards and dominoes, we fought off wave after wave
of mini-bear attacks. Supper was okay but very bland, had to break out the red
peppers to spice up the beef stir fry. We got supper cleaned up and the bear bags
hung just as the skies opened up. Most everyone went to their tents, I stayed under
the dining fly with some of the troopers. What a nice camp and setting in the trees as
the thunder rumbled up the canyon. Richard and Cameron came over along with Matt
from A1's camp. Richard and Cameron sang us some songs "The Only Gay Eskimo" &
"The Clarinet Rap". We stayed out until about 8:30 then went to bed as the rain and
thunder came again. A lot of cattle in this camp, AJ had a face to face meeting with
#312, that cow did not give any ground but AJ did. We all laughed. Going to sleep
listening to the rain always one of my favorites in the mountains.
July 19th Tuesday ~ Day 6 Layover at Apache Springs
Woke up around 6:00 and stayed in my sleeping bag until 6:30 nice to just lay in bed
and relax without having to rush out and break camp. When I got up Steve U and Paul
L were out under the dining fly. We enjoyed a quiet morning listening to the wind blow
through the aspens. Paul L has decided to come off the trail tomorrow at Phillips
Junction, as much as I hate to see him come off the trail I know, as much as he does,
it is the right thing. Paul has been having trouble with his knees and acclimating to the
altitude, along with the fact he had a liver transplant a little over a year ago, not sure
how he will do climbing to Wild Horse and then on to Mt. Phillips. Everyone slept in until 8:00, when everyone was up we ate breakfast and then relaxed around camp playing cards and fending off mini bear attacks. I walked through camp getting photos, Apache Springs is a huge camp and really a nice camp what with all the aspens and wide open views. After lunch we went up for 3D archery. It was a lot of fun, Steve U had the best adult score with a 55, Jason had the best youth score with a 45. I shot a 26 but refused to shoot the 2 bear targets (can't shoot at my spirit helper). The bonus target was all of us shooting at the Pronghorn target at the same time. AJ put his t-shirt over the target and we all fired 3 volleys at it. That was pretty impressive, got it on video, really neat. After we left archery we went over to the sweat lodges. Talk about
invigorating we were in the lodges about 30 minutes then came out and dumped cold
water over our heads - WHEW!!!! Back at camp we started supper, 1 small thunderstorm blew through as we finished archery, maybe tonight we won't get any rain. Supper once again was bad, I ate 1 cup but only because I knew I had too, seems like this trip the food has been really bad, it seems I'm having to force myself to eat. After supper we were informed that there was a 2 strike bear seen passing through Fish Camp heading in this direction, from where he had been moved out before, because of damage he did to a campsite. Supposedly he is one bad bear, we talked it over with the crew leaders and let them know what we were up against, although we are pretty strict on bear precautions in the back country, tonight we would be twice as hard. We redid the bear bags, and double policed the area, made sure every cup and cooking pot was stacked near the sump, nothing left down that would attract a bear, all stoves stacked in the fire pit, all water bottles that weren't smellables either in bear bags or under tent flies out of sight. The staffers came by for camp inspection, they told us our camp was by far the best they had seen and we should have no problem with a bear. Our crews were the only ones they had seen that had actually stacked our pots and cups by the sump, but then thats the way to do things, all our training once again pays off. A1 had to move a couple of tents but their camp was in good shape also. The troopers were a little nervous about the evening especially A1, Randal mentioned that maybe they should pee around their tents to mark their territory, turned out to be a bad suggestion. I went to bed as the full moon started to rise.
July 20th Wednesday ~ Day 7 Apache Springs to Wild Horse
Got woke out of sound sleep early today about 2:45 when A1 thought there was a
bear in their camp. The boys had all peed around their tents as had been mentioned to
deter the bear, however what it did was draw in a cow who was eating the salty grass
around the troopers tents. It would be funny in the morning, but for now it was back to
sleep time with a wake up call in for 4:30. We left camp at about 5:35, going back
down the trail toward Fish Camp. We hiked with A1 the whole way down which was
pretty cool. An hour out we ate breakfast in the same spot we had eaten in a couple
days earlier. As we hiked the trail just the other side of Agua Fria camp Paul L spotted
a bear on the side of the trail. We watched it for a while and took many photos, then
moved on as did the bear. We rolled into Fish Camp and reported the bear, seems it
was the same bear that was supposedly the 2 strike bear that was headed for Apache
Springs. Ashley the CD at Fish Camp told us it was only a 1 strike bear and the bear
actually had been lured into camp when some idiot campers had dropped their food in
camp and headed off for archery, the bear just happened on the food, wasn't even the
bear's fault. Takes all kinds at Philmont. The bear did not appear to be a problem bear
as had been told to us, what it really acted like was it wanted to be left alone and that
is what we had done other then look and take photos. We decided to let the troopers
head out ahead of us to PJ for the commissary and the adults would follow along
behind at a good adult pace. Ashley told us Sammy had sent us out a package but we
weren't there, as we had already left for Apache Springs, so she had I-camped it
back to him. It should catch us either at Cypher's or 'Cito. She did give us a pound
cake and some frosting for Cameron since today was his birthday. We left for PJ
following Rayado creek, what a beautiful hike. For the first time this trip my feet were
starting to hurt and I was having a difficult time walking, tremendous pain in my feet,
with a burning sensation and a feeling like a thousand pins were sticking in my feet,
unbearable at times. Cannot believe this was happening again just like my first trek. By
the time we hit PJ I was in such pain I was close to tears and could hardly walk. Cody
met us just outside PJ and took my pack from me. I sat down as everyone was
dividing up our food, Steve U took care of his and mine. I took off my boots and
changed to the new insoles I had brought with me, sure hope they help. I've never had
such tremendous pain, and that includes my separated shoulder in football years ago.
Sammy had left us a box at the Commissary as I had asked him for Cameron's
birthday, it contained 5 pound cakes with canned cherries and frosting. Both crews
gathered and sang Happy Birthday to Cameron since it was his 16th birthday. We cut all the cakes including the one in my pack and opened the cherries and frosting and had a feast. There was some definite envy I could feel from the other crews at the
commissary that were there picking up there supplies of dehydrated food. This is
where Paul L will be leaving us today, we waited around for a little while to make sure
Paul L's ride was there before we left, we said our goodbyes to Paul L and went
ahead and pulled out. A1 left shortly after us, its always hard to leave a fellow trekker
behind, I seriously had considered staying behind with Paul and coming off the trail
myself with my feet in such pain, but decided I had to finish this trek. It is really
beginning to look like this will be my last trek. Down the trail a ways the thunder rolled
and the rain and hail started. We slogged into Crooked Creek and set on the porch for
our porch talk while it rained. We decided to eat lunch there on the porch during the
storm. A chicken wandered up among us and was eyeing our crackers, in fact she
jumped up at one time and snatched a cracker out of Steve U's fingers, we laughed
long and hard at that. After lunch and the boys had played on the swing for a while we
decided to bug out, but the rain and hail started again so we rode it out under the
porch a little longer. When the hail stopped we bugged out in a steady rain, the trail up
to Wild Horse is a real beast, I hung back with Steve U as my feet were again hurting.
At the 4 wheel drive road we split up and sent the crew on up to set up camp. Steve U
and I and Eric who had equipment problems slowly made our way up the tough climb
to Wild Horse. After about 9 hours on the trail, we stumbled into camp, Cody and
Jason had come back down the trail to carry Steve and my packs for us, but I decided
I would carry my own pack into camp, campsite #9. We set up camp and fixed supper,
tonights supper (Black Beans & Rice Hawaiian style) YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING
ME - THIS FOOD SUX - oh for a double cheeseburger with jalapenos from
Whataburger. Really bummed up today, I've lost my knife that Chesley gave me 17
years ago when I made Fire Engineer, must have lost it at Apache Springs, whoever
finds it I hope you enjoy it, it was made out of elk antler, a really good knife. I've
looked all over for it, must have dropped it when we broke the tent down in the
morning. After supper, I'm heading to bed very sore and very tired.
July 21st Thursday ~ Day 8 Wild Horse to Mt. Phillips
5:30 came way to early even after 10 hours of sleep. We bugged out at 6:30 and
headed for Clear Creek. We made it to Clear Creek at about 7:30, we stopped and
ate breakfast then checked in at 8:00. The staff were just getting up and didn't seem to
happy to have to start their day so early. After a few minutes wait we threw
tomahawks then went and shot black powder rifles at 9:00 with A1 who had come in
while we were throwing tomahawks. We all had a good time shooting the rifles and did
our best to blow as many holes in AJ's, Tommy's and John B's shirts as we could. The
staffers turned out to be really a lot of fun. Cameron and Richard sang their songs for
the staffers and were awarded the "Goofiest Song of the Summer Award." After
shooting we took the cabin tour and learned about the beaver trade. After the cabin
tour we loaded up on water and started the long slow climb up Mt. Phillips. About an hour out of Clear Creek after several stops for blows and a packs off break we stopped for lunch, there truly is not 1 square foot of flat land in sight. We are climbing with a crew from Massachusetts, they are on trek 5 the same trek we did in 2003. It took us right at 3 hours to make the climb to the summit. John N had attached a Texas flag to the flag pole at the summit along with the American flag already there. We set up camp in the same site #1 that we used in '03. We waited at the summit for A1 and cheered for them as they arrived at the top of Phillips. The view as always is really breathtaking
(no pun intended.) We went back to camp, at camp I realized I had left my water bottle
at the flag pole so I walked back up to get it. It wasn't there so I went looking for A1 in
hopes that they had taken it. A1 had luckily found my bottle, in the tradition of Troop
50, I gladly sang "I'm a little teapot" for the troopers to get it back. Randal's phone had
service and everyone was calling home from the top of Phillips, I was able to call
Wendy from camp just to say hey and let her know we were doing well. I went back to
camp, and we all went up to the summit for photos. After photos we set and enjoyed
the view of Baldy and Wheeler. Last trek it was threatening storms, but today bright
blue skies, with some thunder off in the distance. The troopers sat around camp and
played the card game Sgt. Major. Cody called Wendy to say hey and get a Texas
Rangers update. Todays hike was tough, especially after yesterdays hike, luckily it was
mostly all uphill. My feet held up pretty well but are still sore and on top of it all, I have
a blister, sheesh, I'm dreading tomorrows downhill to Cypher's. We ate a makeshift
supper and then enjoyed the evening. We did Thorns & Roses then went back to the
summit and watched the thunderstorms roll over Wheeler. Bedtime finally hit about
July 22nd Friday ~ Day 9 Mt. Phillips to Cypher's Mine
We decided to sleep in this morning, so we rolled out of bed at 6:30. Great views off
the top of Phillips, we headed down through the trees following the switchbacks
towards Cypher's Mine. We stopped for breakfast at Comanche Peak Camp, while
eating breakfast a crew was heading up and over Phillips and met us on the trail. They
were deciding if they should hike over and down to Clear Creek with what water they
had which was only about 1 litre per person. We offered them our extra water since we
weren't as far from Cypher's, as they were from Clear Creek, they looked at us as if
they'd been gut shot and said thanks but no thanks. I'm bettin' they were some thirsty
campers by the time they hit Clear Creek. After breakfast we pushed it on to Thunder
Ridge, we played leap frog with the crew from Massachusetts that we climbed Mt.
Phillips with, they seem to be a good bunch of guys. We stopped at vista after vista,
the views to the North and South were awesome. Our crew decided we would take a 4
wheel drive road but I vetoed that, I usually let them do what they want, but not this
day, not this time. It did not make a hit with the crew, but they will get over it. My feet
are really hurting today and I was not going to hike a 4 wheel drive road. Guess I really
chapped the boys with my decision not to do the 4 wheel drive road, they took off like
horses to water, man they really showed me didn't they? Just Steve U and I, oh well I
will complete this day and enjoy it as much as I can through the foot pain, but don't
know about tomorrow, may come off the trail today, this is not worth it. We made
Cypher's about 30 minutes after the crew, drank Gatorade during the porch talk with
our new found friends from Massachusetts. Having a very difficult time walking today.
After the porch talk we were assigned campsite #2, I was pretty cheesed at the
troopers for hauling ass down the trail after I told them we wouldn't do the 4 wheel
drive road, but decided to not say anything, I knew what I had to say wasn't gonna be
nice. I barely made it down to camp, there isn't really anyplace to place a tent at
Cypher's Mine so we will sleep in Adirondack shacks tonight. I put my pack down
against a tree and stumbled to the shack, where I took off my boots and rested my
feet on a rock that was used to get up to the Adirondack shack which was so cool to
the touch and felt so good to my hurting feet. We fixed a supper for lunch since we had
eaten a lunch for supper last night. Pretty good meal spaghetti, finally something good
to eat. After lunch the troopers went up to the forge and made a throwing knife, then
did a mine tour. Steve U and I stayed back in camp as my feet were really killing me.
I've decided to put my old insoles back in and build them up with cardboard, hope that
works. Had a little reprieve from the hard feelings on the trail today, Matt came down
from A1 and asked if we had taken the 4 wheel drive road, AJ told him no that I
wouldn't let them. Matt said it was a good thing I didn't let them, as the 4 wheel drive
road was terrible and everyone fell several times since it was mostly up and down over
loose rocks. He wished they hadn't taken it and would not do that again. Glad they
learned that we advisors aren't as stupid as they think we are, enough said on that
subject. Good news from A1 Paul L rejoined us today at Cypher's, he will try to
complete the trek with us. Guess I will stay on the trail and tough it out since no one
back in Base Camp to hang out with now that Paul is here. The boys spent the rest of
the afternoon playing cards, I caught up on my journal and rested my feet on that cool
feeling rock, wonder if I can get this rock in my pack, I'd trade my Therm-a-rest for this
rock if I thought I could carry it. Talked with the conservation guy as he walked back up
the trail to camp, he said the North fork trail to Hunting Lodge was open, great news,
never taken that trail and it will cut down our mileage tomorrow. Before supper I took a
pot lid and went down to the creek and did a little prospecting. Didn't find anything, a
little black sand, but really didn't expect to find anything. Showed Steve U and some of
the troopers how to pan for gold, it sure felt good to get into a mountain stream with a
make shift gold pan. After supper I felt good enough to walk up the trail to A1's camp
and talked with Randal and Paul L. My feet are starting to feel better I could actually
walk again, went on up to Advisors coffee and talked with crews from Massachusetts,
Iowa, and Texas. The "Toughman Competition" started at 7:45, Cameron represented
our crews and won with his Scottish tale about making and eating Hagus. Great story
along with his accent, not to mention the other stories were pretty lame. At 8:00 we
went over for the world famous Cypher's Mine "Stomp", lots of good songs and stories
well worth the stay at Cypher's Mine. They had to run us out of the "Stomp" because
they ran out of songs or we would have stayed longer, really a great campfire, one of
my favorites for sure. But then Charlie Cypher was a "bear of a man...." It was pitch
dark as we walked back down to camp, some of the boys had flashlights and were
helping the others who didn't, make it back to their campsites. Camping, Scouts,
Philmont, brings out the best in people. No one came in at the campsite next to us (#1)
so we sent the boys down to that shack and we adults decided to take this one shack
for ourselves. Checked with the CD while he was inspecting our camp if that was
alright, he said he had no problem with it. A1 all crowded into their shack, nice and
cozy. Went right to bed and fell asleep pretty quick, the full moon rose up over the
canyon walls sometime around midnight gonna be tough sleeping with what seems like a flashlight directly in my eyes. A beautiful Philmont night tonight.
July 23rd Saturday ~ Day 10 Cypher's Mine to Cimarroncito
Wake up time was 5:00 and we were out of camp at 5:45. The North fork trail was
really nice, lots of aspen trees. We counted stream crossings, 56, what is this the
North Fork of Urraca??? We hiked on down through the aspens and the massive rock
canyon and formations. As we came to the junction with the middle fork we met a crew
from Puerto Rico trying to decide which way to go. They only had their crew leaders
map which shows very little detail, we gave them our extra set of maps and showed
them the way to go to Cypher's up the North fork trail, they thanked us and asked us
where we were from, we told them Texas, welcome to Philmont. Cannot believe their
Ranger didn't make them get a better set of maps before he left them on the trail.
They didn't speak much English but I'm pretty sure he could have made them
understand. Oh well always happy to help out a fellow Scout. We hit Hunting Lodge
and took the tour, not as good as the last 2 times I've been here. After the tour we hit
the trail for 'Cito. It was hot and sunny and the superhighway was in the sunlight, really
hot and my feet were starting to hurt again, having a hard time walking again. We did
our porch talk, the staffer took us to our campsite, this campsite was really bad, to
much slope. We asked if we could use the site we had in '03 if it was open, he didn't
care. We took site # 21 just below our '03 campsite. He said he would put A1 in that
campsite for us, then commenced to set around and talk with us. He seemed like a
good enough sort but not much for ambition, his ambition in life was to be a game
show contestant. After about 30 minutes of his talk I decided it was time to set up
camp, we still had to make a food run to Ute Gulch. After we set up camp we ate a
quick lunch, AJ and Tony decided they would go for food on their own so they took off,
they were supposed to go with Matt and John H from A1, there was a SNAFU there so
they went separately. For some reason A1 got stuck in the site they tried to put us in,
another mess up with the staff at 'Cito, but then not one of my favorite places at
Philmont. A light rain shower sent us all under the fly, haven't had any rain the last
couple of days. Its thundering off to the North and pretty dark that way, should be
interesting. Tom broke down and took a shower, I thought about it but it was 2:00 and
the adult male time was up, oh well only 2 days left to Base Camp. As we fixed supper
AJ went up to the Staff cabin to see if Sammy had sent us anything more. The staff
had the package and were hoping we wouldn't ask for it, then they would have kept it,
another reason I have never been particularly fond of this particular camp. AJ came
back with a huge box filled with pudding, cookies, granola bars, & Nutter Butter bars.
With the Oreo cookies & Toblerone bars AJ and Tony brought back from Ute
Gulch Commissary, I'm having a real sugar rush. Thats okay because the food this trek
in my opinion has been the worst of the 3 treks. We had Homestyle Chicken for supper
I ate it, but didn't care for it. After we ate we did a quick cleanup and went up for our
indoor climbing time. All the boys had a good time climbing, and everyone tried to do
the figure 8 climb around. Back to camp for Thorns and Roses and some cards. Steve
U, Tom, and Steve E went up to Advisors coffee. Austin went up to do the challenge
wall, I stayed in camp to catch up on my journal, the rest of the crew stayed in camp
and played cards. I'm going to bed here in a few, pretty tired tonight, have a long day
again tomorrow.
July 24th Sunday ~ Day 11 Cimarroncito to Ponderosa Park
Rolled out of camp at 6:15 and went up through Hidden Valley. What a beautiful hike,
really glad we went this way, A1 decided to stay in camp and sleep in and bypass
Hidden Valley, to bad. We stopped for breakfast at Window Rock what a great view of
Tooth Ridge, and off in the distance we could see the Villa Philmonte. We stayed for
about an hour enjoying the view, the troopers found a lounge rock and laid down on it,
they did not want to leave. We hiked on up to Cathedral Rock where Austin gave us a
fine Sunday morning chapel service. What a great place to reflect and thank the good
Lord for this wonderful journey through His creation. As we sat and enjoyed the view
we could hear a crew on the trail below us, I took a chance and called out for Randal,
sure enough it was A1 on the trail to Clark's Fork. We waved at them, but they could
barely see us where we were. We hiked on shortly after that, making our way down
the switchbacks and around to the reservoir and on the trail to Clark's Fork, looking
back up at where we had been earlier I understand why A1 had trouble seeing us. At
Clark's Fork the troopers roped, played horseshoes and did some branding. We
refilled our water bottles and bugged out for Ponderosa Park. It took us about an hour
to make the climb to the campsite. We ate lunch then set up camp with the threat of
rain and thunder. We set back under the fly as small showers passed. Tonight we will
hike back down to Clark's Fork for the Chuckwagon dinner. Sounds pretty good, beef
stew and peach cobbler with ice cream for dessert. Tony & Cody have cooking and
cleanup today so they will leave early with the cooks from A1. We all hiked down
together for dinner, except Steve U and Paul W, they decided to stay in camp and
watch out for mini bears. After the meals I had for the last 2 weeks this was a certified
4 star-rating, but bummer no ice cream we misunderstood them. There was vanilla,
chocolate or plain peach cobbler, it was still good and well worth the hike down and
back to camp. We hiked back to camp as the rain started to fall, I was in lead and
really pushed the pace, easy to do with no pack. Off to bed for our last night on the
July 25th Monday ~ Day 12 Ponderosa Park to Base Camp
Wake up at 4:30 today, way to early since I did not sleep well last night. Left camp at
5:15 in the dark with A1. Steve U and I stopped for Eric, who had left his hiking stick
back in our campsite. That put us way behind the crew, we had to hurry to catch them.
Really hard to hike already, feet are hurting, maybe I should not have gone back down
for supper at Clark's Fork. After several blows we made Shaeffer's Pass at about 6:30
and stopped for breakfast, there was a crew camped right in the middle of the trail. No
one needed water from the spring since we had filled up last night at Clark's Fork, after
breakfast we pushed on up the trail. Sunrise was spectacular, I watched it as we
rounded Shaeffer's Peak, there were 5 deer (all bucks) eating and sparring on the
mountainside below us. All had velvet on their antlers. We stopped for a couple of
blows then continued on over Tooth Ridge Trail. I cannot impress upon anyone who
has never hiked this trail how really difficult it truly is. To compound the already
excruciating pain in my toes and feet I rolled my right ankle, get me off this trail!!! As
we reached the base of the Tooth I could hardly walk and had come to the realization I
would not be able to climb the Tooth with Cody this one last time. Cody told me as
much as he knew I wanted to go up on the Tooth I should stay with the packs this time,
as much as I didn't want to, I agreed with him. Cody helped me get my pack off and
with tears in my eyes I asked him to go on and take some good pictures for me. I sat
right down next to the pack line where we had dropped my pack and watched the
crews head up the Tooth. I was really bummed, I didn't get to go on the Tooth this
time, it was really an emotional letdown. I always look forward to finishing my trek
looking over Philmont from the top of the Tooth, and really wanted a picture of Cody,
Jason and myself together on the Tooth. Steve U, Paul L and myself stayed with the
packs. Steve U had been carrying a couple of packages of Cheetohs with him and I
had some extra Oreo cookies I had saved. What a great treat this food was, but it
didn't ease the pain and heartache knowing this was going to be my last Philmont trek.
The crew all got back down safe, we all changed into our blue troop t shirts for the
final hike down off Tooth Ridge. We ate lunch right after we passed Tooth Ridge camp
and right before the idiotic switchbacks that criss-cross Tooth Ridge. I stumbled and
limped but we kept pushing on stopping every now and then for water breaks. A crew
from Ohio kept jack-rabbiting (is that a word?) up the trail, then stopping to rest while
we moved past, then here they would come again. Another rest and we would pass
them again, what a pain in the ass. We reached the "We All Made It" sign about 2:15
after 9 tough hours on the trail and I knew my final Philtrek was in the books. No
regrets though, this one was an awesome trek. We took crew photos, and father/son
photos, then through the gate and on to Services to start our checkin. We got our tent
assignment C19 for Steve U and I, up to the cars and trailer for my overnight bag.
Finally after 11 days a shower. WOW!!! that felt so good. I went up to the Trading
Post and bought some stuff for myself, then over to the Snack Bar for a Klondike Bar,
but they were out of them. Had a Dr. Pepper and some potato chips instead. Went
back to the Advisors Lounge and filled out our forms then called home. Supper was
good Salsbury Steak and new potatoes. At 8:00 we met at my tent, then the entire
crew A2 went out in the field for our final Thorns & Roses & Buds and presentations of
our Arrowhead and Duty to God patches. We all went to closing campfire. Once again
we had a great campfire with singing, skits, slideshows and of course the infamous
mini bear attack skit. As we sang the Philmont Hymn the lightning from the storm
behind us lit up Tooth Ridge, a perfect ending to once again a great Philmont day.
Back to our tents and to bed at 10:00, rained on and off through the night.
July 26th Tuesday ~ Philmont to Fort Worth
Out of bed at 5:00 and off to the cars and trailer to pack. We cleaned our tents and
checked out, on the road at 5:45. I looked back over my shoulder at the Arrowhead on
Tooth Ridge as we went by so I know I will return someday to Philmont. Just outside
Springer NM along the highway I spotted an elk. We drove to Clayton NM for breakfast
at the HiHo Cafe, great food, had a Western Omelette. Back on the road, stopped for
gas and lunch at McDonalds in Childress. We arrived at the Scout Hut at 6:30 and
another Philmont trek was in the books. Gave out the Crew Pictures and gathered my
crew gear, said our goodbyes, then we headed home. I probably won't do another trek
now, but will always have fantastic memories of a place I never thought I'd get to see,
let alone do 3 treks with my son. Thanks Waite for giving us this very special place.

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