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by Danny Burke
I absolutely have to quit saying I will not do another trek at Philmont. When the time
came around for another trek, there I was once again hoping for a slot. There is
something about Philmont, if you have never been then you just won't understand. But
to spend ten days on the trail with people who you really enjoy being with, has got to
be one of the highlights of my life. Sure there are hardships, pain, getting soaking wet
in thunderstorms and hail storms, eating food a goat wouldn't eat, but, when you get
past all that, it is by far one of the most satisfying things I have ever done. We had a
super crew and this was by far the best trek I have ever had. I have literally never
laughed so hard in my life, both on the trail and in camp. So once again, here we go,
the following is my personal journal from my 5th trek at Philmont.
Crew 727G3 - The "Jokers"
Randal Bagwell
Danny Burke
Kirk Caldwell
Matt Menger
Tom Schech
Tommy Richardson - Crew Leader
Dickson Caldwell
Jacques DeJean
Collin Ferguson
Zach Kocurek - Radar
John Menger - Chaplin
Matt McGraw
Tony Schech
Our Sister Crew was
Crew 727G4 - The "Strokers"
Charlie Dierker
Steve Eubanks
Jim Gensheimer
Dan Harbour
Brent Somers
John Dierker - Crew Leader
Ben Dierker
Cody Eubanks - Chaplin
Chase Gensheimer
Jordan Harbour
Sean McConathy - Radar
Mark Neidigk
Austin Somers
July 25th Fort Worth to Cimarron
Woke up at 4:50 and rolled out of bed, didn't sleep to well last night. Packed my truck
then said my goodbyes to Wendy and Cassie. Arrived at the SAM building at 5:40,
almost everyone was already there. We packed the trailer, some tent poles were left
at home, instead of waiting one truckload went and picked them up and the rest of us
loaded up and left at 6:15. I drove this trek with Randal and Tommy in my truck. We
hit the Jolly Truck Stop for breakfast. Tom had already called ahead so they were
ready for us. I ordered the usual, the Western Omelette (to many bell peppers this
time). Back on the road again, we hit Amarillo for gas and lunch. Some of the troopers
went to Subway and some went to McDonald's. I ate and then called Wendy, after an
hour break we hit the road again. We made a quick stop in Clayton at the Dairy Queen
and then the final leg to Cimarron. Antelope were abundant on the drive across to
Springer and the afternoon storms were building. When we turned off I-25 toward
Cimarron, the Tooth of Time was shrouded in rain, as was Baldy and most of
Philmont. We made Ponil CG at 6:15, checked in and set up camp along the creek.
Hamburgers for supper and good fellowship after. I called Wendy and talked to her for
a while, and then it was off to my tent for bed. No star gazing tonight but a small rain
shower to go to sleep by.
July 26th - Layover Ponil
Rolled out of bed at 5:30 went up and got a shower, then went back to camp and
decided to write in my journal. It clouded up last night and did not get very cool. Most
everyone was awake by 7:00. We left camp and went to breakfast at Heck's. They
were expecting a big group and wanted to cram us in but we decided to go on to
Philmont then come back in an hour for breakfast. We looked through the museum
then went back to Heck's at 9:00. Another crew was already there but they had room
for us. It took over 2 hours to get all of our food, not nearly as quick as the Jolly Truck
Stop, but the food was good. When we finally all got fed we paid and left. Heck's had
put up a sign out front that said they "were closed until 11:15 because of large crews
and they needed time to recoup." We went to the Trading Post and looked around, I
bought some souvenirs for the family. We had a 1:00 tour at the Villa but no one
showed for the 12:30 tour so we got in early. This was a good thing since a big
thunderstorm built up right over Base Camp. It was raining so hard 1/2 of Tooth Ridge
was completely obscured by rain. Back at camp the rain stopped but it was very wet.
Some of the guys checked and repacked their packs. Kirk started the fire and we
started supper. The rain started again and continued to get heavier, most of the boys
went up to the enclosed area to play cards. Matt, Kirk and Randal stood in the rain
and cooked. Some of the adults went to their tents. I got in my truck. After the storm
passed we went up and ate supper, steaks and potato salad, great chow. Since it was
late and after setting in the enclosed area for a while I went back to camp, called
Wendy then went to my tent. I had a little water in my tent on my sleeping bag and
Therm-a-rest. I readjusted my fly then went to bed. Tomorrow Philmont!!!
Found out today the a/c went out at home again, why does this crap always happen
when I'm gone...sheeeesh!!!
July 27th - Base Camp - Day 1
Slept pretty good last night although it was damp and chilly. I got up at 5:30, took a
shower then packed up my gear. Tried to dry my tent as best I could. We had
breakfast - Danish & Cinnamon Rolls, then we broke camp and arrived at Philmont at
7:50. The check-in started. The first person we ran into was Bob from Security, this is
the same Bob I had trouble with a couple of years ago when he was the Camp
Director at WR for Summer Camp. By far the worst CD I've ever had to deal with. We
met our Ranger, Bryan Faucheaux from New Orleans, seems like a nice guy a little
quiet though. We went through Registration and Logistics, then on to B/P
this year was 140/80 a little high for me, but good enough to go. I called home and
found out the motor on the a/c needed to be replaced. I love breakdowns at home
when I'm gone. NOT!!! Lunch was pretty good, just not enough of it, I only had 2
chicken tenders. We finished up with Services & Food Pickup after lunch, and then
Shakedown at our tents (I'm in D-102 with my Base Camp tent mate Matt McGraw).
After shakedown I stripped my food bags and took a lot of stuff out and shared it with
the crew. I sat in my tent and caught up on my journal, the storms are building over the
Tooth. At 5:00 we dressed in our class "A's" and went to dinner. After dinner we went
to the Advisors meeting then on to chapel service. Found out, actually it was confirmed
that a Scout from Minnesota who was 14 died on the trail just a few days ago, this
kind of puts a damper on things. The flags at Base Camp are flying at half-staff. At
Chapel service during the closing prayer a large mule deer with a full rack wandered
into the field beside chapel, this is such a beautiful setting. At 8:15 we met at the
Welcome Center and all went to the Opening Campfire. This years show was really
good. The campfire closed as always with the Philmont Hymn. On the walk back to
camp we could see a flashlight flashing on and off up on Tooth Ridge. I called Wendy
and then turned in for bed. A lot of commotion outside my tent as I'm next to the
bathhouse. Fell asleep listening to Closing Campfire. Tomorrow we hit the trail.
July 28th - Day 2 Rayado Turnaround to Olympia Elev. 6724ft.
Woke up on and off through the night, finally got up at 5:30, went ahead and got a
shower then packed up my day bag and pack. We ate breakfast at 6:30, then met at
7:15 for our Crew Photos. Now we have 2 hrs to kill, our bus doesn't leave until 9:30. I
took all my personals including my overnight bag to my truck. Packed the truck, called
Cody but he was working so I left him a message and then a text message. I then
called home, talked with Wendy and Cassie then said my goodbyes before I locked up
the truck and went back to my tent. We cleaned out our tents, then went up to the
Welcome Center. We filled up with water, we made a pack-line and waited on our bus.
Some of the crew weighed their packs but I decided I didn't want to. It weighed 41lbs
at home without 3 1/2 days of food. The bus arrived at 9:20, we loaded up and left for
Rayado. We toured the Kit Carson Museum, threw tomahawks, and had a tug-a-war
competition. G3 defeated G4 and then challenged a crew from Keller Texas, they beat
them too. We have some great crew spirit and two good anchors in Tony and
Jacques. After the museum tour which was long but informative we went outside and
did the usual Ranger training (compass, first aid, red roof inn). Finally we started hiking
at about 11:30. The storms are already building. We made camp in site 3, set up
quickly as it looked like rain was imminent. Kirk accidentally exploded his sunscreen
tube in his personal bear bag, pretty messy. We ate lunch under the fly as the rain split
around us. The crew and Ranger hung the bear bags and got back to camp just as the
thunderstorms opened up on us. I'm in my tent now and its raining pretty hard, it was
hailing with a lot of lightning and thunder. I found out my tent is leaking along the zipper seams on both sides so this isn't good. Will need to try and reseal it somehow. The storm is letting up now and the sun is coming out. Our Ranger instructed the crew on water purification (basically) then the troopers started supper - Mexican rice & Refried beans with flour tortillas - not to bad, a little dry though, but at least no power bites. Charlie came over to talk and mentioned he had some seam sealer, so I got lucky and resealed my tent along with Dickson's and Matt Mc's. Storms rolled around us the rest of the evening, fortunately no more rain. We did Thorns and Roses and then to bed with thunder rolling.
July 29th - Day 3 Olympia to Carson Meadows Elev. 7688
Woke up about 4:45, stayed in bed until 5:30, slept pretty good last night. A really
heavy dew this morning I think its wetter in my tent now then when it was raining
yesterday. We packed up and were out of camp by 6:45, not to bad considering
everything was wet. We crossed the Rayado into Zastrow and continued up to
Rayado River Camp where we stopped for breakfast. After a fair breakfast and a rest
we continued on through Abreu and Old Abreu. We made it to Carson Meadows at
11:30. Went up for the porch talk, which was to long and the young lady giving it was
annoying. Seems like this place has a history of annoying staff - same thing in '05. We
were assigned site #12 next to G4. This is a really nice camp, beautiful cabin with a
great view of the Tooth of Time. We set up camp and relaxed in the shade. The
troopers went up to do program with Matt M (Search & Rescue). Randal and I got
buzzed today up close and personal by a hummingbird. The foot pain started again
today, first just a dull ache but I could definitely feel it by the time we hit camp -
bummer. When the boys came back from program we started dinner and once again
the MSR stove would not work. We cooked on our backup Coleman stove while Kirk
and Randal worked on cleaning the MSR stove. With the sun out I borrowed Charlie's
seam sealer and sealed my tent again. We ate supper Fettichini something, was
actually pretty good, I had seconds. After supper and cleanup we did Thorns and
Roses, then Bryan gave us our Wilderness Pledge. Matt M, Randal, Kirk, Tom, Matt
Mc and Tony went up to Advisors coffee along with the Advisors from G4. I stayed in
camp with the troopers. About 8:30 the Advisors came back and sat under the fly until
about 9:00 when we all went to our tents.
July 30th - Day 4 Carson Meadows to Lost Cabin Elev. 9222
Was sleeping soundly when I was awakened around midnight by a heavy rain. Looked
and felt around, success finally no leaks. Woke up at 5:15 and started packing my
gear, another heavy dew and clouds were hanging low. A large deer (buck) wandered
through camp. We were out of camp at 6:30, good time (1hr). We climbed up into the
clouds and hiked up Rayado Canyon stopping for breakfast at the "Notch" where we
ate breakfast in '05. G4 came up behind us and joined us. We all sang Happy B-day
to Austin who turns 16 today. We continued on after breakfast on what is my favorite
trail here. The clouds and fog sure made it cool, but obscures the views. A few
wildflowers but a little late in the year. We took our packs off break which was much
needed. We made it in to Fish Camp at 11:30, signed up for the 1:00 cabin tour. We
ate lunch then sat on the porch in a rocking chair. I talked with an advisor from N.
California they were on their way to Apache Springs. We took the cabin tour then the
crew decided to cancel our fly-tying class at 2:30 so we could move on to camp,
hopefully before the rain. We left Fish Camp at 2:15 and started our hike up the Agua
Fria. I had forgotten how rocky the trail is and my feet were hurting. At one stop for a
break we watched some ducklings and their mom swimming and eating. At the foot of
the switchbacks we helped build in '05 I saw the boulder that my son and I rolled
downhill with our rock bars. We made it into camp and set up quickly as the rain was
just starting to fall. I set my tent up without it getting wet inside. Steve has decided to
go off the trail tomorrow, he was really struggling today on the trail. It is always tough
to lose someone from either crew, but probably for the best. While setting under the
dining fly, and supper was cooking we decided to do Thorns and Roses during the hail
storm. This campsite #3 is really muddy, but we took it because of the rain that was
starting to fall upon our arrival. Vegetarian chili for supper (it was okay) I got a chill
since I got wet putting up my tent so after supper I packed up my stuff and went to my
tent at 7:00. Wrote a couple of postcards to Wendy and the kids. I then caught up on
my journal and I'm soon going to get ready for bed as I'm very tired. Its 8:00 now see
you tomorrow, time for bed.
July 31st - Day 5 Lost Cabin to Beaubien Elev. 9407
Broke camp in a little over an hour, made the 4.5 miles to Fish Camp in 1:45 minutes.
We ate a quick breakfast then the crew and Kirk went off to fly fish. Randal, Matt M,
Tom and I sat on the front porch in the rocking chairs and enjoyed the morning. Spoke
with Celene the CD who gave us the tour yesterday. We took it easy and rested and
relaxed until about 10:45. We made our way to PJ and arrived just in time to pick up
our 5 days worth of food. I mailed my postcards home, then stripped my food packs
down, this is a lot of food. -14 meals- I ate lunch then enjoyed another rest. We
bugged out and started the long steady climb to Beaubien. My 4800 cu in of my pack
was crammed every bit full. Steve from G4 went off the trail at PJ his B/P was way to
low. We made Beaubien in good time, the pace was good and I really feel good
considering this morning I felt really bad. Did our porch talk then were assigned site
#18, the same site we did our Cons work on in '07. We set up camp to some thunder,
but luckily no rain today. I was able to finally dry out my tent. We ate supper then went
to Advisors coffee and campfire. Campfire was good this year, but not near as good
as in '03. Came back to camp and did T & R then off to bed. It has gotten
considerably cold tonight and I had to bundle up as did everyone else. We did almost 9
miles on the trail today, should sleep well tonight. Layover tomorrow.
August 1st - Day 6 Beaubien Layover
Slept in today until 7:00, we dropped the bear bags and got our breakfast, ate quickly
then re-hung the bear bags and hooked it up to the staff cabin at 8:00 for Cons. Our
Cons project this year is still TSI, continuing to clear the trees in the campsites. We
worked in site #13. I cut a few logs, then drove a wheelbarrow full of limbs and brush
1/2 mile down the road to the brush pile. I did this 3x down and back. Made for a good
workout today, and thank goodness our Cons work is done for this trek. When we got
back from Cons I gathered up my clean clothes and shower gear and went up for a
shower. WOW!!! That was great, had to wait until a crew from Tulsa finished but
stoked up the Tabasco donkey and had the place to myself with plenty of hot water. I
went back to camp and ate a quick lunch, the crew except for John and Matt Mc
teamed up with G4 less Mark, John D and Chase and climbed Trail Peak. All the G3
advisors went except Brent. We sat in camp and rested and enjoyed the afternoon. At
2:00 the advisors that were in camp sat with Mark for his Eagle BOR. It was a good
BOR which lasted 1:15. At 3:30 Matt Mc and John went up to cook chuckwagon
dinner. The Trail Peak crew returned about 4. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the
trip, but they were certainly tired. Charlie didn't go all the way up due to a blister. The
advisors and some of our gear are getting old and worn out. Randal has had to fix his
pack and now he has had to shoo goo his boots 2x. Chuckwagon dinner was
supposed to be at 5:30, but they didn't start until 6:00. The way it was dragged out
was ridiculous with the staffer calling one crew at a time up to serve. There were a lot
of hungry, upset crews there. We didn't get served until almost 6:30. Then they ran out
of stew, had to cook some more with 3 crews that had not been fed. I decided to not
wait for cobbler and went back to camp. Sat in camp by myself enjoying the evening
writing in my journal. When everyone got back from supper we did T & R then some of
the crew went to campfire. I sat and talked with Randal & Matt M and a few of the
boys. Headed off to bed at 9:00. - Note to self, saw 2 Western Tanagers yesterday at
Fish Camp.
August 2nd - Day 7 Beaubien to Black Mountain Elev. 9037
Woke this morning at 5:00 to an elk bugling, really neat sound. Stayed in my sleeping
bag until 5:25. We were out of camp at 6:40 after filling up our water bottles. The push
up to the 4 wheel drive road was hard today for some reason. I usually like up. We
stopped for breakfast alongside G4. The hike down was beautiful and the wildflowers
were really pretty, I also saw some blueberries. No foot pain whatsoever for the last
couple of days thats a good thing. I took several photos along the trail. We met 2
crews coming out of Black Mountain, 1 from NY and 1 from College Station, Texas.
Rolled into Black mountain about 9:30, set up camp in site #2. We went up and shot
.58 caliber black powder rifles while G4 was at the forge. We shot 2x, I hit both
targets on my 2 shots. Everyone shot well and "Doc" was a good instructor. While we
were at the gun range, unbelievably 2 small deer came bounding down the mountain
side right above the rifle range. I guess they have heard the boom of the BP rifles and
aren't scared of them. We went to the forge where "Bob" was a lot of fun. The staff
here at Black Mountain have always been a great group of guys, and this has always
been one of my favorite camps. We came back to camp and ate lunch and now are
just sitting around and resting. I'm getting ready to set with Jacques and do his SM
conference for his Life rank. The SM conference went well with Jacques, he is a fine
young man and a good leader in our troop. After a few advisors had their naps, we
finished up the afternoon with a BOR for Jacques for his Life rank, he passed with no
problem. A nasty looking t-storm looks to be heading our way, the wind has really
picked up, the sky is darkening and the thunder is rolling, and its sprinkling. The crew
just got back from purifying the water and they hung the personal bear bags. Tony
unfortunately has a nose bleed, luckily we haven't had to many of those this trek, unlike last trek. The storm passed and just skirted us. We had dinner which was pretty good (Beef Strohganoff). The crew has gone to do formation and the advisors went to do Advisors coffee, I opted to stay in camp, I'm sitting by my tent now listening to the
creek nearby. This place is packed tonight with 8 crews in. I have converted to the
darkside and am drinking Gatorade, I should have done this a long time ago. I'm
feeling good, minimal foot pain but none in 2 days, but still having a hard time with the
food. G3 sang Charlie's song "Sterilize" for G4 for rescuing our spoons we left by the
sump at Carson Meadows. Tomorrow's hike looks like a tough one to Red Hills.
August 3rd - Day 8 Black Mountain to Red Hills Elev. 10,377
We were ready to leave camp at 6:30, but we let G4 roll out ahead of us. The trail up
out of Black Mountain reminded me a lot of the N Fork Urraca trail. Along the trail we
saw a grouse and nice sized buck mule deer. We finally hit the 4 wheel drive road and
then the trail started almost straight up. It was a killer, we attempted to Caterpillar but
the crew couldn't seem to grasp the concept since we hadn't practiced it much. We
pushed on up to Red Hills Ridge. We dropped our packs at the trail split and climbed
up to the top of Big Red 11,060'. I think the 3rd highest peak at Philmont. The trail
down was really only a drainage for Comanche Creek, narrow and steep. (I do not
want to do this trail ever again) We made Red Hills and took campsite #7. We set up
camp, ate lunch, washed my feet, face, arms and pits (not in that order) wow did that
feel good. Sat around camp, enjoyed the sound of the creek and the afternoon. Charlie
came down and joined our merry band. I have now converted Randal to the darkside.
All the downhill, bad trails, and rocks and again no foot pain, this is great. Once again
storms built up but we lucked out and only got a sprinkle. We did T&R before supper,
after dinner (Spaghetti w mashed potatoes) we stood around and talked until 7:00
then I headed to my tent. Very tired this evening, tomorrow's trail looks like today's.
We have to climb over 11,000 ft to get up and down to Cypher's Mine at 9300 ft.
August 4th - Day 9 Red Hills to Cypher's Mine Elev. 9248
Left camp at 6:30, took the right trail toward Comanche Peak camp. Ate breakfast on
a ridge at 11,000 ft. On the downhill the pace was a little strong, so I had some
discomfort in my feet. We made Cypher's Mine at 11:30, did our porch talk then went
to our "Mine Shack." Ate lunch then sat in the shade of the shack and listened to the
thunder rumble. The crew took the 2:45 mine tour, I stayed in camp and fought off
mini-bears. While setting in the shack I watched a Pine Marten crawl across the
tailings above camp along with 3 deer. The advisors sat in the shack after the mine
tour and had another afternoon of good fellowship and laughter. I had the crew go get
some gold pans and I showed them how to pan. They spent the afternoon prospecting
along the small creek right below camp. Advisor coffee was at 7:00, then the
"Strongman Cometition" which was won by Ben D from G4. Everyone went to the
"Stomp" at 8:00 and another fine show was given. John M won the percussion
competition so T50 swept the evening awards. The "Stomp" ended by singing the
Philmont Hymn while a bat flew through the cabin. We made our way back to the
shack and packed all 13 of us inside. Gonna be an interesting sleep tonight.
August 5th - Day 10 Cypher's Mine to Hunting Lodge Elev. 7830
Slept in until 6:00 today, not far to go today, and didn't sleep to well last night. We
bugged out of camp at 6:50 heading down N Fork of Cimarroncito Creek. This is one
of my favorite trails on the ranch. Although just a few, the wildflowers were pretty as
you pass through the forests of Ponderosa, Blue Spruce, Aspen, Douglas Fir and Oak.
Made Hunting Lodge at 9:45, checked in and started the cabin tour, but the yo-yo who
gave the tour was brain dead so I left in mid-tour after he pretty much pointed a rifle at
everyone in the cabin and I called him on it. It was the worst tour I've ever seen out
here, and the staff here is not very good. To bad the staff at all camps aren't as good
as the Black Mountain boys on this trek or the Crater Lake boys in '07. We set up
camp and the crew set off for Ute Gulch Commissary. Steve E was in camp today, he
came up with a Chaplin to visit, he has been doing some training at the PTC. When he
asked if there was anything he could take back to Base Camp for us that we didn't
want to carry over Tooth Ridge, we collectively said "our packs." Saw another grouse
on the trail today this one had chicks with her. In my tent now during another t-storm,
hoping the crew is okay coming back with the food pick-up. The crew returned at 2:30,
and it stormed until 5:00. Randal got a fire going which we all enjoyed. Supper was
good tonight (chicken and potatoes.) The other crew did some work for Staff so they
shared the pineapple upside down cake with us. Its a full moon out tonight, hope I
sleep good, my 3 hr nap today was great.
August 6th - Day 11 Hunting Lodge to Tooth Ridge Camp Elev. 8359
Left camp at 6:30, everything was wet since it rained last night. We made Clark's Fork in
about 45 minutes, stopped for breakfast and to fill up with water. We pushed on up
toward Shaefer's Pass stopping for a packs off break just above Ponderosa Park. I
changed out my gel inserts as I could feel some foot pain starting, worst of the trek.
We blew through the pass and around Shaefer's Peak and started across the ridge.
Geez how truly rocky this trail is. Near the Tooth I rolled my left ankle and twisted my
right knee, now along with the nerve pain I am really hurting. We stumbled past the
Tooth with about 10 crews eating and waiting to climb. Set up camp in site #8, my 4th
time to camp here. Ate lunch and rested and let my foot pain subside. Hung the bear
bags then we set off to climb the Tooth. I wasn't going at first but decided I really
wanted and needed to. While climbing John M dropped his camera, he was able to
retrieve it, but it doesn't work anymore. Randal, Collin and I were the first to the top,
what great views. There was one other crew there, but they left shortly after we got
there. We took pictures and enjoyed the views of a place I've wanted to get back to
since '03. After about an hour on top we made the long climb back down to camp. We
stopped over at G4's camp for a while and chatted. Had an issue earlier with a crew
from Waco, they were throwing rocks at our guys while they were using the Pilot to
Bombadier. Matt M went over and had a talk with their Advisors and their crew came
and apologized. There are several deer in and around camp, we also saw wild turkeys
today on the trail to Clark's Fork. Randal, Matt M, Kirk, Tom and I went up on the
ridge above camp and took some photos and just enjoyed the views, then back to
camp and eventually to bed at about 8:30 after we did T&R. Looking forward to
getting into Base Camp tomorrow, getting a shower and calling home.
August 7th - Day 12 Tooth Ridge to Base Camp
We woke at 5:30, got dressed, went up on the ridge for sunrise. The view is
spectacular and not as hard a climb as the Tooth. After another spectacular NM
sunrise back to break camp. We bugged out at 6:45 and were the first crew out of
camp. We ate a quick breakfast on the trail, then pushed on down to Base Camp. We
made the "We All Made It" sign at 9:15 and my 5th trek was over. I did 20 push-ups
with my pack on, 4 push-ups for each trek. The crew all followed my lead. Crew and
individual photos were taken then the check-in began. We went to our tents C-66, got
my stuff out of my truck, then finally a shower. That always feels so good. Went to the
Advisors Lounge plugged in my phone and called Wendy and the kids. I kept losing
signal so I texted them. At noon we went up for lunch, corny dogs, not bad after eating
2 weeks of trail food. After lunch I went over to the Trading Post and bought the t-shirt
I wanted. I went out to my truck and caught up on my journal then called Wendy again.
Randal, Tom, Matt and Kirk went into town to the St. James Hotel. I pretty much spent
the afternoon at the Advisors Lounge talking with other leaders who had also just
come off the trail. A hummingbird got into the lounge and couldn't figure out how to get out. Randal and I opened up the windows and he eventually got out. Went to supper at 5:45 then over to Chapel at 7:00, where I thanked the Good Lord for letting us have another safe trek. After Chapel the crew all met back at our tents for our final T&R. Tommy passed out our patches (my 5th, unbelievable.) We all went over to Closing Campfire at 8:30 with G4. There are 20 crews from the Longhorn Council in Base Camp, so Texas has definitely taken over. Campfire wasn't as good as in the past,
they had a young lady from Poland in the skits and you could not hardly understand
her. She was also not very funny during the mini-bear attack. After campfire I took
some things out to my truck and called home. Said goodnight to Wendy, went back to
my tent and to bed, we have an early wake-up time tomorrow.
August 8th - Philmont to Fort Worth
I was sleeping really good when the wind started blowing really hard about 1:15 am. It
was blowing so hard the tent was whipping against the side of my cot. No matter what
I did to stop it nothing worked. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep tonight. The
last time I looked at my watch it was 3:30 and the wind was dying down. My alarm
was set for 5:00, but I got up at 4:55. Tommy had everyone up at 5:00 and we had
the trailer all packed by 5:30. Continental breakfast of cereal, danish, and fruit was at
5:45. Everyone ate and we were on the road at 6:15. We stopped for gas in Springer
then I took the lead on the first leg to Clayton, and back into Texas. We listened to
Randal's iPod while we drove, we made a lunch stop at the Pilot truck stop in Amarillo.
Back on the road with Tom in the lead. We stopped at the Rest Area outside of
Quanah, I asked Randal to drive as I was getting tired from not much sleep the last
two nights. We arrived back at the SAM building at 5:15 and another Philmont trek is in
the books. Wendy and the kids were there to meet me, it sure was good to see them.
We unloaded the trailer and I put all my gear in my truck. Wendy and Cassie rode with
me, we told everyone goodbye and congratulations on another successful Philmont
trek. I dropped Brent and Austin off at their house then we made it home. This was my
best trek with minimal foot pain (not counting the last two days on the trail.) Our crew
worked well together with no problems at all. There were many days in camp where
we laughed so hard my sides hurt. Didn't get to see any bears this trek, but heard of a
bear not 50 yds from our camp at Tooth Ridge. However I've been lucky enough to
see 6 bears in 5 treks, so I'm not complaining. My biggest thrill was once again
climbing the Tooth of Time and seeing the spectacular views from the top. My last two
treks I've said were going to be the last ones, yet I keep returning to once again face
the foot pain, and in my humble opinion the worst food ever. Now that this one is over
and it was so successful with minimal pain, but still lousy food, I'll have to wait and see
what tomorrow brings. I do know that if I don't return for another trek, these 5 great
treks I've been a part of have given me enough memories to last a lifetime. Thanks Mr.
Phillips for giving us this beautiful place to bring our Scouts to.

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