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The January Campout at Sid Richardson brought snow,
the troop poses with the snowman they built.
L to R: Richard Pustejovsky, Craig Awtrey and Scott Miller
Members of Troop 50 and Pack 46 at Church
Scout Sunday
Campout at Leonard Scout Ranch
Mr. Card in the Dining Hall at Summer Camp, Worth Ranch
Troop 50 at Summer Camp - Worth Ranch
Back Row L to R: Brian Awtrey, Wayne Myrick, Danny Chang, Dennis Cooper
Middle Row L to R: Dr. Ed Bleker, Michael Simpson, Bryan Patton, Ray Kadleck,
Ryan Ashton, Scott Miller, Tom Miller,Wayne Sanders, Hugh Card
Front Row L to R: Greg Sivers, Chris Yount, Weston Sanders,
Bruce Unger, Adam Hammet, Bryan Fowler, Craig Awtrey, Sean Armstrong
June SR2 Rowing Adventure
Cow Patty Cobbler takes 1st Place again at the Fall Camporee
Rock Hockey at the Fall Camporee
Troop 50 at the Fall Camporee
Worth Ranch
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