Luis and Ariel and their dad's

Fire is burning and the coffee is on, what more could you want?

Cleaning out the Scout Hut in the rain

Troop 50 - Scout Sunday Westcliff United Methodist Church

Charlie prepares for packs on

Along the shore of Lake Texhoma

all Scouts, be with us til we meet again."

One of the locals checks us out

Preparing for evening campfire

Getting ready to load Buzzard One

The troopers are ready to leave

Working on another full house at the annual Troop 50 Chili Supper

Former Scouter Tom Miller chats with Mr. Card

Sunset over Eagle Mountain Lake

Evening campfire on the beach

Mr. Card welcomes the troopers to the Troop Christmas Party

Happy faces at Christmas time

Breakfast time at the Old Buzzards camp

Friday morning pancake breakfast, thanks Ranger Joan