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Troop 50 and Pack 46 - Scout Sunday

Softball game at Family Camp

Wrangler Project at Summer Camp

Stripling campsite at Worth Ranch

Stripling campsite at Worth Ranch

Hammock Heaven

Jonathan Miller & Chris Constant

Troop 50 at Summer Camp ~ Worth Ranch
Front Row L to R: Phillip Lee, Matt Sapp, Shelby Stanley, Stephen Grenier,
Richard Nguyen, Chris Gonzales, Cody Burke, Francis Nguyen,
Matt Prisco, Brandon Aultman
Second Row L to R: Chris Grenier, Ben Rugg, Tony Jessamine,
Andrew Hunter, Jonathan Miller, Jeff Cain, Chris Constant
Standing L to R: Justin Stegner, Sharon Jessamine, David Atwell,
Joey Dierker, Chris Yount, Luke Denton, Mike Modisett, David Cecere,
Scott Miller, Bruce Unger, Danny Burke, Tommy Davis, Ben Jessamine,
Sean Armstrong, Kerry Armstrong

The Scout Show at Trader's Village

Dutch Oven Cooking Demo at The Scout Show

Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Miller at The Scout Show

Serving up cobbler at The Scout Show

Brian Wade stirs up Dirty Rice at The Scout Show

Kelson Hayes, Greg Sivers and Scott Miller plant a tree

Cody Burke enjoys his first canoe trip

Lunch on the river at the fall canoe trip
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