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Troop 50 Advancement Report 2012

Merit Badges Earned

Tony B

Evan B
First Aid, Geology

Drew B
First Aid, Swimming

Tommy B

Dillon B
American Cultures, American Heritage, Crime Prevention, Emergency Prep, Family Life, Fire Safety, First Aid, Forestry, Genealogy, Indian Lore, Public Speaking,

Scouting Heritage, Swimming

Wyatt B
American Heritage, Art, Family Life, Fire Safety, Nature, Salesmanship,

Scouting Heritage, Swimming

Will B
Swimming, Theater

Sam C

Samuel C

Matt C

Josh D

Carter D
Camping, Geology

Dion D
Archery, Aviation, Emergency Prep

Wes D
Aviation, Law, Photography

Eric E

Stephen F

Nyleve F

Jordan H
Electronics, Space Exploration

Jacob H

Will H
Indian Lore

Max H

Ryan H
Fishing, Indian Lore, Swimming

Hank K
Fire Safety, Indian Lore, Nature

Zac K

Mitchell K
Cooking, Swimming

Sam L
Camping, Geology, Salesmanship

James M
Indian Lore, Swimming

Devyn M

Matthew Mc
First Aid, Nature, Swimming

Brandon N

Fausto N
Archery, Swimming

Lance P

Austin P
Camping, First Aid, Swimming

Jacob P

Josh P

Jacob R-Z

Will R     

Alex S

Tristan S
Indian Lore, Swimming

Shyam S

Michael S
Indian Lore, Nature, Space Exploration, Swimming

Chris V

John Paul W
Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Communication, Personal Management

A total of 75 Merit Badges were earned in 2012
27 of 43 Troop 50 Scouts earned at least
one merit badge during 2012





Evan B, Drew B, Tommy B, Wyatt B, Will B,
Samuel C, Sam C, Matt C, Eric E, Stephen F,
Nyleve F, Will H, Max H, Ryan H, Hank K, Zac K,
Mitchell K, James M, Devyn M, Matthew Mc,
Brandon M, Fausto N, Lance P, Jacob P,
Jacob R-Z, Alex S, Tristan S



Evan B, Drew B, Tommy B, Dillon B, Wyatt B,
Will B, Eric E, Jacob H, Will H, Max H, Hank K,
Mitchell K, James M, Devyn M, Matthew Mc,
Austin P





Drew B, Dillon B, Wyatt, B, Wes D, Matthew Mc,
Austin P












Dillon B, Dion D, Michael S













Dillon B, Josh P











Carter D, Sam L








Josh Davis, Will Ross, John Paul Watson







39 of 43 Scouts advanced a rank or earned a palm in 2012

Ranks Earned

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