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Troop 50 Advancement Report 2013

Merit Badges Earned

Daniel A
Cooking, Indian Lore

Tony B
Canoeing, Camping, First Aid, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Personal Management

Evan B
Fingerprinting, Cooking, Rifle, Swimming

Drew B
Electronics, Emergency Preparation, Golf, Nature, Salesmanship

Tommy B
Chemistry, Computers, Cooking, First Aid, Nature, Photography, Pulp and Paper, Swimming

Dillon B
Camping, Citizenship in the Nation, Environmental Science, Law, Sculpture,

Wilderness Survival

Wyatt B
Aviation, Citizenship in the Nation, Electronics, First Aid, Geology, Shotgun,

Wilderness Survival

Will B
Archery, Cooking, First Aid

Sam C

Carter D

Dion D
Art, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World,
Environmental Science, Wood Carving

Cameron D
Orienteering, Rifle

Wes D

Eric E
First Aid, Swimming

Sean E
Coin Collecting, Cooking, Swimming

Bobby F
Nature, Swimming

Michael G
Nature, Orienteering, Swimming

Will H
Coin Collecting, Computers, First Aid, Nuclear Science

Max H
Art, Aviation, Cooking, First Aid, Golf, Swimming

Ryan H
Architecture, Auto Maintenance, Lifesaving, Photography, Rifle, Shotgun

Hank K
First Aid, Genealogy, Model Design, Orienteering, Salesmanship, Swimming

Zac K
Genealogy, Pioneering, Swimming

Mitchell K
Aviation, Environmental Science, First Aid, Nature, Public Speaking

Nathan K

Sam L
Archery, Geocaching, Lifesaving, Shotgun

Trevor L
Cooking, Indian Lore, Swimming

Turner L
Cooking, Indian Lore, Swimming

James M
Computers, Graphic Arts, Rifle, Wilderness Survival

Thomas M
Cooking, Swimming, Wood Carving

Matthew Mc
Camping, Computers, Citizenship in the Nation, Electricity, Emergency Preparedness, Engineering, Rifle

Austin P
Auto Maintenance, Climbing, Computers, Lifesaving, Photography

Jacob P
Architecture, Cooking, Geocaching

Josh P
Backpacking, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the World, Personal Fitness,
Personal Management

Scott R
Archery, Leatherwork, Swimming

Tristan S
Aviation, Electronics, Nature

Michael S
Architecture, Backpacking, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Cooking, Energy

Chris V
Cooking, Rifle, Swimming

A total of 138 Merit Badges were earned in 2013
34 of 37 Troop 50 Scouts earned at least
one merit badge during 2013






Daniel A, Cameron D, Sean E, Bobby F,
Michael G, Thomas H, Nathan K, Trevor L,
Turner L, Thomas M, Scott R, Chris V





Cameron D, Sean E, Ryan H, Zac K, Thomas M,
Jacob P, Tristan S







Evan B, Tommy B, Will B, Eric E, Will H, Max H,
Ryan H, Hank K, Mitchell K, James M












Tony B, Evan B, Drew B, Tommy B, Wyatt B,
Eric E, Max H, Hank K, James M,
Matthew Mc, Austin P











Tony B, Wyatt B, Matthew Mc, Austin P,
Michael S











Dillon B, Josh P













33 of 37 Scouts advanced a rank or earned a palm in 2013

Ranks Earned

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