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Summer Camp 2002

The troopers get ready to go to dinner

A.J. keeps the lines straight

In the dining Hall at Worth Ranch
L to R ~ Phillip, Brian, Tony, Austin, Michael

"Doc" works his way through the chow line

Waiting for the chuck wagon dinner

Michael and Tommy Lee play some Rock Hockey

West waits his turn for Rock Hockey

Evening flag ceremony

Jake does the calls

Cody, Andrew and A.J. fold the flag

Cody and A.J. fold the flag

Andrew in Cooking Merit Badge

Tommy Lee & Mr. Simmons

Have another cookie Austin

Troop 50 at Summer Camp - Worth Ranch
Front Row L to R: Bryan Thompson, Phillip Simmons, Michael Wei,
Chance Moss, John Halliday, Austin Eubanks, Zach Riney, Nick Gonzales,

Tommy Richardson, Josh Angel
2nd Row L to R: Tony Schech, John Laird, Andrew Hunter, Jake Hammons, Andy Card Jr, Kent Westbrook, West Allen, A.J. Prisco, Nathan Nash
Back Row L to R: Danny Burke, Paul Wei, Tom Miller, Cody Burke,
Randal Bagwell, Steve Simmons

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