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Summer Camp 2011
Welcome to the "Big Adventure"
Waiting for Medical check
Quite possibly the cause of a very weird week at summer camp ~ fires, and a bad virus
Welcome to the "Big Adventure"
The Old Buzzards L to R:
Danny Burke, Brent Somers, Chase Gensheimer, Paul Laird, Joel Lewallen
After a camp-wide virus struck, this is all that remains of
Troop 50 at Summer Camp ~ Worth Ranch
Back Row L to R: Chase Gensheimer, Danny Burke, Brent Somers,
Paul Laird, Joel Lewallen
Front Row L to R: Ben Dierker, Dion DuClos, Jack Irwin, Wes Dutton
Not Pictured: Carter Dickson, Sam Lewallen, Sean McConathy,
Will Ross, Shyam Shah, Austin Somers
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